Roses Are Red Handtied Bouquet
from £70.00
A stunning selection of long stemmed red roses arranged with fragrant eucalyptus and wrapped in our signature pale pink packaging.
Choose from 12, 24 or 48 stems or roses in your bouquet
Arrives in blush wrap with stems in water, along with care card
Available for local and UK wide delivery
Purchasing as a gift? Add a short personalised message with your order
A stunning selection of long stemmed red roses arranged with fragrant eucalyptus and wrapped in our signature pale pink packaging.
Choose from 12, 24 or 48 stems or roses in your bouquet
Arrives in blush wrap with stems in water, along with care card
Available for local and UK wide delivery
Purchasing as a gift? Add a short personalised message with your order
A stunning selection of long stemmed red roses arranged with fragrant eucalyptus and wrapped in our signature pale pink packaging.
Choose from 12, 24 or 48 stems or roses in your bouquet
Arrives in blush wrap with stems in water, along with care card
Available for local and UK wide delivery
Purchasing as a gift? Add a short personalised message with your order